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Budi & Aileen

The Wedding | 12.01.2023 | Tangerang

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Enlightened by The Buddha, Boddhisattva, and Mahasattva.

If a man finds a prudent companion who walks with him who is wise and matched living together, they shall walk together happily and overcoming all dangers.

Bride & Groom

Budi Sulaiman

Third Son of
Mr. Theng Hok Tek (Sulaiman) &
Mrs. Lim Kwe Lian (Liliana)


– & –

Aileen Gitta Wijaya

First Daughter of
Mr. Ng Sui Liong &
Mrs. Lim Suy Hwa


We are pleased to announce our wedding to you, our family and friends

Holy Matrimony

Thursday, January 12th 2023

10:00 am – 11:30 am


Vihara Vajra Bumi Nusantara
Jl. Permata Sari, Binong, Kec. Curug, Kabupaten Tangerang, Banten (15810)

Wedding Reception
(Intimate Dinner)

Thursday, January 12th 2023

06.30 pm – 09.00 pm


She La Vie Grand Ballroom
Jl. Alam Sutera Boulevard The Flavor Bliss Complex Unit KA, Pakulonan, Kec. Serpong Utara, Tangerang, Banten (15325)

Wedding Gift

We are more than happy with just your attendance at our wedding. However, for family and friends who would like to send us a gift, kindly click the link below.

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“Love starts as a feeling, but to continue is a choice; And I find myself choosing you more and more everyday.”

“If you look at what you have in life, you’ll always have more. If you look at what you don’t have in life, you’ll never have enough.

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    Stay safe at home now, party with us later!

    Life Moment

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    Best Wishes

    11 Wishes
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    2 years ago

    Dear Aileen and Budi, Happy days and more blessings for your Household.

    Tan Giok Tju
    2 years ago

    Selamat Ya Aileen
    Lancar Sukses sampai hari H nya
    Dhamma menuntun jalan Kehidupanmu yang Baru
    Bahagia hingga sampai akhir

    2 years ago

    Happy wedding Aileen and Budi. Wishing you a happy and joyful marriage.

    Cindy Janitra
    2 years ago

    Happy Wedding Aileen & Budi, happily ever after 🙂

    2 years ago

    Congrats budi & aileen !! Happily ever after 🥰🥰

    ©Undangan Web


    The Wedding Of

    Budi & Aileen