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The Wedding Of

Marshal & Maria

19.11.2022 | Bekasi

“So they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate.”

– Matius 19 : 6 –

 Bride & Groom


Marshal Budi Parangguan Pasaribu SE

The first son of Mr. Syaparudin Pasaribu (late) and Mrs. Gumanti Hutasoit


Maria Dewi Kartika Maha Sari SE

The first daughter of Mr. Robertus Permono (late) and Mrs. Elisabeth Wiwik Mariani (late)

With gratitude for God’s gift and with humility, without reducing respect. We ask for prayers and blessings from Mr / Ms / Brothers / i to be present on our happy wedding day which will be held on:


Holy Matrimony

Saturday, November 19th, 2022
at 12.00 – 13.30 WIB



Saint Arnold Janssen Catholic Church

Jl. Ir. H. Juanda No. 164 RT002/RW009 Margahayu Kec. Bekasi Timur Jawa Barat 17113


Help us prepare a warm meal for all of you by sending confirmation of attendance via the following form

    Wedding Gift

    For Family and Friends
    who wants to send gifts,
    please send it via:

    Menuju Hari Bahagia

    Siang dan malam berganti begitu cepat, di antara saat-saat mendebarkan yang belum pernah kami rasakan sebelumnya. Kami nantikan kehadiran para keluarga dan sahabat, untuk menjadi saksi ikrar janji suci kami di hari yang bahagia.








    Love Story

    Be completely humble and gentle, be patient, bearing with one another in love. Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace

    Efesus 4:2-3

    Our Gallery

    “True love is about growing as a couple, learning about each other and never giving up on each other.”


    In order to keep this wedding event safe from the risk of Covid-19 transmission, please read the following before you come to the location:

    Life Moment

    Help us capture happy moments at our wedding with your posts with the following hashtags:

    Best Wishes

    18 Ucapan
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    Arty Rcpt
    2 years ago

    Happy wedding mba maria ❤️

    Inez Valerie
    2 years ago

    Happy wedding day mba maria.. finally ya mbaa.. longlast ya mbaa aamiin 😇

    Intan osf
    2 years ago

    Selamat yaa mariaaaa semoga langgeng sama kake nene

    2 years ago

    happy wedding sis.. 💜

    Reny HSE Reg 2
    2 years ago

    Selamat yah maria semoga langgeng sampai kakek nenek, maaf ngga bisa hadir diacara yg spesial ini, sekali lagi selamat yah maria

    Marshal & Maria


    The Wedding Of

    Marshal & Maria

    Mohon maaf bila ada kesalahan pada penulisan nama/gelar
