The Wedding Of
Yegar & Merry
03.12.2022 | Jawa Tengah

The Groom & Bride
Yegar Sahaduta Gorbianta
First Son of Mr. Sigit Wijayanta and Mrs. Kristiyaningsih
Merry Puritanita
Second Daughter of Mr. Sudarsono and Mrs. Sri Wuryanti

Holy Matrimony
Saturday, December 3rd, 2022
09.00 WIB (GMT+7)
GKJ Manahan
Jl. MT Haryono No.10, Manahan, Kec. Banjarsari, Kota Surakarta, Jawa Tengah 57139, Indonesia

Saturday, December 3rd, 2022
12.00 WIB (GMT+7)
Graha Siwi Rahardjo
Jl. MT Haryono No.10, Manahan, Kec. Banjarsari, Kota Surakarta, Jawa Tengah 57139, Indonesia
Help us prepare a warm and enjoyable reception party for all of you by sending us your confirmation using this form before November 20th. After we receive your attendance confirmation, we will send you further information regarding your table during the reception.
Virtual Wedding
We understand that geographical distance makes it difficult for you to attend in person. Therefore, we will live-stream our wedding ceremony on December 3rd starting from 9am (GMT+7). We hope you can join us in celebrating this important life moment.
Wedding Gift
For Family and Friends
who wants to send gifts,
please send it via:
Towards Happy Day
Day and night passed so quickly, between thrilling moments that we had never experienced before. We look forward to the presence of our family and friends, to be witnesses of our sacred vows on that day.
Our Love Story
Hi beloved friends, Merry and Yegar have been friends for 14 years and dating for 7 years. This December, we will finally be married and be partners for life!
With this invitation, we would like to say our sincere appreciation for your friendship. You have been part of our journey, and please know that you are precious to us. We would love to invite you to be a witness to our wedding celebration this December.
Our wedding ceremony will be held in two cities in Indonesia: Yegar’s hometown in Solo and Merry’s hometown in Salatiga. Both cities are located in Central Java and are about one hour from Jakarta.
We plan to continue living in Thailand (currently with two cats, but let’s see in a few more years). If you can visit us, whether in Indonesia, Thailand, or any other part of the world, we would love to meet you for a good dinner, a great time, and to celebrate life.
Our Gallery

To keep this wedding event safe from the risk of Covid-19 transmission, please read the following before you come to the location:
Best Wishes
Protokol Kesehatan Acara Pernikahan
Using Mask
All event participants including families, organizing committee, and invited guests are required to wear masks. For this reason, we ask invited guests to be able to bring and wear their respective masks before entering the room.
Hand Wash & Hand Sanitizer
All event participants are expected to always wash their hands and always use hand sanitizer
Maintain a distance
All event participants are always expected to keep their distance
The Wedding Of
Yegar & Merry

Address to send a gift:
222/170 Pruksa Puri Village; Soi 37 Kingkaew Rd., Rachatewa, Bangphli, Samutprakarn, Thailand 10540
Jl. Pajajaran Utara IV no 45 RT 02 RW 17 Sumber, Banjarsari, Surakarta, Indonesia 57138

Please transfer the prize via
account number and wallet
the following digitals:
Merry Puritanita
Previously, we
Thank you for your attention and the form of a sign of your love for us
Hi Yegar and Merry,
Congratulations ya. Semoga langgeng dan menyenangkan. Happy with both of you.
Sampai jumpa di Bangkok
Congratulations my good Friends. Best Wishes for Your Future Together. God bless you
Congratulations Merry and Yegar. Soo happy to hear this new. God bless this marriage ❤️❤️❤️🌹🌹
Best wishes and congratulation for your wedding ceremony
congrats yegar and mery, God bless your new family! happines forever ❤️